January 2015

Hitchin Town Hall and the new Museum

Disappointing news about the new museum and the relationship between Hitchin Town Hall Limited (HTHL) and North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC). After fundamental differences of opinion about, and interpretation of, planning and building work and agreements, HTHL has served notice of termination of the Development Agreement with NHDC.

The future of the museum is of intense interest to our Society, and members will no doubt wish to read the full explanation for this dramatic – but almost inevitable – move by HTHL. You can read it on the Hitchin Forum website. It is of great regret that so much public goodwill, not to mention time and money, has had so little influence on the planners at the council. The images of work undertaken against the will and spirit of the initial plan are shocking.

The Physic Garden

The winter work is on schedule, with wayward plants being bedded. It has been suggested that a new Hichin Pippin tree would restore the symmetry of the garden, although it is not strictly speaking a Ransom plant. The existing Hitchin Pippin is rather sickly and in the ‘wrong’ place.

Discussions are still underway about a continuation of the water supply once the nearby existing museum closes completely, and the possibility of installing an irrigation system.