
Indoor Meetings : Talks are held on the fourth Thursday of most months starting at 8pm in Church House, Churchyard, Hitchin.  A guest speaker presents, usually with illustrations, on an aspect of local history. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, and you will be made warmly welcome. Members free, visitors £2. Special events are also scheduled for the Hitchin festival and for Xmas. The next meeting is shown below. A complete list for 2025 will follow shortly.


Thursday 23rd January 2025 — Wilbury: the Willow Fort by K F Matthews


Outings : The Society is not confined to meetings in Church House, but also arranges visits to local buildings and institutions, many of which are not normally open to the general public. The society also organises trips, at reasonable charges to cover costs, to places of historical interest further afield.

The list of outings for 2025 will be available shortly.

Committee Meetings : The Committee normally meets every four to six weeks.  If there is an issue you would like discussed please speak to a member of the committee. Click on the link for the date of the next meeting.