New Society Chair
The Society’s new Chair is Terry Knight, a popular founder-member of the Society whose interest has never waned. We welcome him warmly and thank him for stepping into the breach. We should also thank David Howlett for keeping the chair warm for him.
Physic Garden
The Vi Lewis Lecture, given this year by Sara Oldfield, biodiversity consultant and former secretary-general of Botanic Gardens Conservation International, was attended by about 55 people during the Hitchin Festival and was well received.
The Physic Garden guide book, launched in July, has been selling very well, with almost 170 copies already gone. At £12.95 it’s good value, with 140 pages and a colour photo of each plant and a full description and history of its medicinal uses. Contact Distribution Officer Vicki Lockyer if you have not yet bought your copy – good idea for Christmas, no?