The Society has had the very good fortune to have members capable of collecting, restoring and making available films and photographs of local people, places and events from the past. We are particularly indebted to Richard Whitmore, who searched out, collected and converted a large number of old cine films from many sources. Members have seem many of them at Society film shows, with Richard, Sam Hallas and Tim Ray making each showing a real professional event. Two very successful DVDs have been produced by the Society. The first, A Century of Old Hitchin on Film is still available, at a bargain price: details here.
We also have a large collection of still images. Sam Hallas, Richard’s successor as Film Archivist, has created four narrated videos presenting a large collection of slides from the late Bill Palmer, a stalwart member of Hitchin Camera Club. Each slide has been scanned, digitised and enhanced by Sam, and the results are a real treat. We are grateful to Sam for enabling this collection to be seen by us all. Use the links below to access the videos, using the following procedure for each:
RIGHT click on the link below for the video you wish to see;
LEFT click on “Open link in new tab”, then select the tab that has just opened.
(You may have to watch a short advertisement before the video starts in YouTube)
- Introduction to Bill Palmer’s collection
- Edwardian Summer
- Hitchin Old & New (part 1)
- Hitchin Old & New (part 2)