July 2009. Tony Handscombe became HHS Secretary in 1996 and filled this key role for four years in an indefatigable and energetic way. He was a prime mover in establishing our twice yearly Newsletter to supplement the Hitchin Journal.
Tony was a lively and likeable character and his sense of humour was applied to Hitchin’s history through a number of special Christmas cards he illustrated from The Buildings of Hitchin by Gravely Earnest and Gravely Earnest Junior published, allegedly, in two editions in 1912 and 1952.
One of his most famous Christmas features was The Hitchin’s Cabmen’s Shelter – The Chinese Connection which later featured (as a serious piece!) in a 2003 book touching on Hitchin’s railway history. Although Tony had been very unwell for some time we know he was still taking an interest in the activities of the Society. He leaves a wife, Sue.